In January 2013, I am again leaving on a business trip to Guiana. Of course I carry with me the usual radio equipment to be activefrom the FY5KE radio-club of Kourou with FY/F5UII callsign. I will only trnasmit voice on weekdays before 12:00z, after 22:00z and when I would be available for it.
But this time, my mission is a little longer than usual, I also program a weekend SSB traffic on Salut Islands IOTA SA-020. I will be more precisely located on the main island called Royal Island (Ile Royale), which is part of the group of islands with Devil’s Island (Ile du Diable) and St. Joseph Island (Ile Saint Joseph). The islands are 14 km Guyana of shore, facing the city of Kourou. I will be QRV with 100 Watts, with a vertical antenna GPA-030 for 10m, 15m, 20m, a dipole for 17m and a dipole for 40m. Depending of the site, and propagation, I would install all or part of this antennas.
I have not doubt about the OMs waiting to hear SA-020 on the air. I will do by best to be at this rendez vous.
See you soon on the air.